About Us

Paid To Click Live for You (PTClive4u) is created to act as a knowledge base to provide reviews and feedbacks about Paid to Click sites or other online money making sites.

We will be consolidating information from the internet and placing screenshots of what we have found. Since sites tend to change and disappear, it is found to be important to capture that info and reveal it here.

Sad to say, most PTCs or money making sites are scams. But of course there are still a few that are legit and you can earn extra pocket money on the side. That is the reason for our existance.

Objective: "To give you some ideas and opinions on whether a site can be trusted"
- Most of our information can be found on the world wide web, utilising the power of forums , chat rooms and member's feedback, blogs, and other review sites.

There is a few lists in this site and they are as followed:

Scam List - Site has a damaging evidence of it being a scam. Evidence showing from a previous failing or closed site. Could be late on payments too, or no payments being made for the earnings made by members.

Watch List - Site on the verge of becoming a scam. Falling behind on payments.


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